Our Mission

To be the mushroom supplier of choice.

Mercer Mushrooms farm Aerial View
Mercer Mushrooms farm Aerial View

Where our story began…

Mercer Mushrooms, formerly known as Cresta Mushrooms, started in New Zealand in 2011 when it was acquired by Glen and Joanne Inger. Originally operating as a modest mushroom farm with a weekly production of 15 tons.

Under the vision and unwavering dedication of the Ingers, the farm has flourished beyond imagination. Mercer Mushrooms, as it’s proudly known today, is capable of producing 60 tons of mushrooms per week. But it wasn't just about scaling up!

Glen and Joanne’s commitment to excellence sparked a revolution in the way Mercer Mushrooms grew mushrooms. Innovation with the establishment of advanced facilities, including Dutch growing rooms and a specialised, fully enclosed compost production facility. These investments in quality and innovation propelled Mercer Mushrooms to the forefront of the industry.

Growth and expansion…

Between 2017 and 2018, Mercer Mushrooms significantly increased its capacity and modernised its grow rooms, marking a pivotal moment in its growth.

The journey continued in 2021 with the creation of a cutting-edge composting and growing facility, achieving a fully integrated operation.

By 2022, after rigorous testing to guarantee peak productivity and quality, these advancements spurred an upsurge in production to meet rising demand. This strategic expansion and commitment to state-of-the-art technology have solidified Mercer Mushrooms as an integral part of New Zealand’s mushroom sector, known for its exceptional produce, innovation, and sustainable practices.

Mercer Mushrooms farm Aerial View
Mercer Mushrooms farm

Our Future

Our commitment to sustainability

At Mercer Mushrooms, sustainability is at the core of our business policy. We are deeply committed to making environmentally friendly choices that benefit our planet and communities. 

Our dedication to sustainability is evident in all aspects of our operations. We strive to keep our environmental footprint as small as possible and continually work to make it even smaller every day.

Icon Commitment to Renewable Energy
Commitment to Renewable Energy

At Mercer Mushrooms, we prioritize energy conservation and closely monitor our electricity usage. With the installation of 2200 solar panels generating 800mWh of energy annually, we strive to minimize our environmental footprint. Our commitment extends towards future expansion to further reduce our impact on the environment.

Icon Recycling Natural Resources
Recycling Natural Resources

We repurpose waste materials such as straw and chicken manure in our composting process to create nutrient-rich compost ideal for cultivating premium mushrooms. Rather than being discarded, our compost is resold and reused by horticultural companies. Mushroom compost is renowned for its exceptional soil enrichment properties, making it a valuable resource for enhancing crop growth and sustainability.

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Water recycling

Water recycling plays a crucial role in our sustainability initiatives. We reuse rainwater and water used in our operations for the production of compost, minimising water loss and promoting efficient resource utilization. Additionally, strict measures have been implemented to ensure that no production-related wastewater leaves our site, preserving water quality and minimising environmental impacts.

Icon Air quality management
Air quality management

Air quality management is a top priority at Mercer Mushrooms. We utilize advanced technologies to remove odor and ammonia from the expelled air at our composting facility. Negative fan pressure, a biofilter, and an air scrubber are key tools to optimize odor and ammonia removal.

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Responsible packaging

Finally, we prioritize responsible packaging by using eco-friendly and 100% recyclable materials for our mushroom products. This commitment to sustainable packaging underscores our dedication to reducing waste and promoting environmentally conscious consumer choices.

At Mercer Mushrooms, sustainability is not just a buzzword - it's a fundamental principle that guides our decisions. We believe that by prioritising sustainability, we can create a better future for generations to come.
Mercer Mushrooms Planting
Mercer Mushrooms farm Aerial View

And a commitment to focus on the future…

At Mercer Mushrooms, we look confidently towards the future. With a keen eye for innovation and sustainability, we strive for continuous growth and progress. Our specialised team is driven by passion and dedication, and we are determined to reach new heights in the mushroom industry.

With a strong focus on quality and customer satisfaction, we continue to pursue excellence in all that we do. By continually investing in our facilities, technologies, and people, we aim to play an important role in the sector while maintaining our reputation as a trusted supplier of high-quality mushrooms.

Our future is filled with promise and opportunities, and we look forward to growing and sharing success with our partners and customers. With determination and innovation, we will continue to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of the market while nurturing and promoting our passion for mushrooms.

Our Team

Introducing the team behind Mercer Mushrooms

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Craig Inger

General Manager Operations


+64 21 022 34152

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Mark Gibson

Chief Financial Officer


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Harry Taylor

Engineering and Operations Manager


+64 21 024 3040

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Sashi Cassidy

Post Harvest Manager


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Rinke van der Meer

Growing and Compost Manager


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Annina Moasili

Harvest Operations


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Hilla Lakau

Packhouse Manager

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Romy de Bie

Social Media Co-ordinator


Get in touch

55 Morrison Road,
Pukekawa, 2696 New Zealand